Author: Vlad N

July 2024 / City guides

Pe langa Lisabona: – Parcul Sintra-Cascais, Sintra si castelele de acolo nu au nevoie de introducere…

October 2023 / City guides

Welcome to Lisbon! Hope it’s not too hot, but if it is, find a terrace…

August 2023 / Misc
August 2023 / Mountains
April 2023 / Then

Stuff I did that I didn’t write about in the updates:

March 2023 / Then

Stuff I did that I didn’t write about in the updates:

February 2023 / Then

Stuff I did that I didn’t write about in the updates:

January 2023 / Then

Stuff I did that I didn’t write about in the updates:

December 2022 / Then

Stuff I did that I didn’t write about in the updates:

November 2022 / Then

Stuff I did that I didn’t write about in the updates:

September 2022 / Then

Stuff I did that I didn’t write about in the updates:

August 2022 / Then